
Refund Policy

Last Updated: Wed 13th, December 2023

The client may request a refund no later than 7 calendar days after a payment has been made. The company is entitled to deduct 25% service on said refund. After the 7-day period has elapsed, the payment for the services becomes non-refundable.

The refund request may be denied in the following case:

  • The Contractor may deny a refund request if evidence of fraud, abuse of refunds, resale of the Contractor’s services or other manipulative practices. Promotions, upgrades and changes to existing plans are non-refundable.
  • Violation of refund process.

Refund process

  • The client should contact RedChemistry team by info@RedChemistry.com email with the following subject: «Refund request»
  • Email should be sent from The Client’s email (used while providing the payment);
  • Email should include the following information: company name, date of the payment, name of the service.